Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sleep and Data

Large data set before her, the bleary-eyed "Momma Scientifica" attempts to process the black and white images into numbers, and then convert those numbers into pretty little histograms packed with meaning. Her head appears to sway and weave, but armed with a large cup of black tea with mate, she plods slowly forward, selecting points of interest and telling the analysis software what to do. Eyes slowly shut and snap back open, head droops ever closer to the keyboard of her laptop, threatening to fill the spreasheet with random characters typed by a weary forehead. Every muscle in her mouth is keeping it from dropping open, to prevent her from sitting slack-jawed and drooling in front of the screen, like a neanderthal or an undergrad in the face of such obstacles. "Science is hard" she thinks to herself.

And the only other thought in her head is what her husband likes repeating,"whoever coined the phrase 'sleeping like a baby' needs to be kicked in the clown".

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