Then there are things like shopping for groceries or cleaning the bathroom that seem to always get rushed or overlooked, and we end up just ordering out for pizza since there's nothing in the house (not good for my attempted weight loss), and a somewhat scummy bathroom (which I'm trying desperately to be better about since Little Man likes to lick the sides of the tub when he takes his bath...)
Suddenly I am feeling a desperate desire for a strict schedule and constant diligence. And I finally understand the seemingly constant frustration of my mother when we were growing up. I come from a family of 7 children, each one messier than the last. I didn't start actually liking things clean and organized until after college, and really not until after I met my now husband. I was always a little OCD about randomly organizing things (I remember one day as a kid when I was supposed to be cleaning the bathroom and I instead spent all morning reorganizing the drawer where we kept things like bandaids and spare toothbrushes -- my mother, while exasperated with me, couldn't really be too angry since I had, in essence, been "cleaning"...) but actually being diligent about cleaning was another matter.
But where do you begin? When is the best time to do all the things you want to do? For now I'm just trying to figure out how to keep the laundry from (literally) piling up everywhere, or how to make sure we have vegetables to eat at every meal, but what about all those other things I want to do? I am not too far behind in making Little Man's 1st year scrapbook, but I haven't even opened the sewing machine my husband got me last Christmas... and then there is work... okay, yes, maybe I try to do a few too many things at once...
I have one friend of a 3 year old who tells me that we are even ahead of the game from where she was with her child at the same time when it comes to adapting from the fairly carefree life of a childless couple to the relative insanity of being first-time-parents. I'm sure I'll figure it out in time -- of course by then we'll probably be having another child, and then there's a whole new set of worries...
But where do you begin? When is the best time to do all the things you want to do? For now I'm just trying to figure out how to keep the laundry from (literally) piling up everywhere, or how to make sure we have vegetables to eat at every meal, but what about all those other things I want to do? I am not too far behind in making Little Man's 1st year scrapbook, but I haven't even opened the sewing machine my husband got me last Christmas... and then there is work... okay, yes, maybe I try to do a few too many things at once...
I have one friend of a 3 year old who tells me that we are even ahead of the game from where she was with her child at the same time when it comes to adapting from the fairly carefree life of a childless couple to the relative insanity of being first-time-parents. I'm sure I'll figure it out in time -- of course by then we'll probably be having another child, and then there's a whole new set of worries...
I actually remember when you sorted out the bandaid drawer. Your father would like it to be organized again since he can only find the Spiderman bandaids I bought for grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteRemember time is fluid. You just need to figure out what cups to fill.
Love, Mom